Barbara Harris

Barbara Harris is bringing project to pay drug addicts to be sterilised to UK. In 1997 American mum Barbara Harris, 57, decided to start a scheme to pay female and male drug addicts or alcoholics in America to be either sterilised or to commit to long-term contraception. It's an initiative that's appalled many but also gained support from people who believe such action is the only way to combat the crippling social problems that come with drug abuse. Today 1,226 women in America have taken money to be sterilised and now Barbara is bringing 'Project Prevention' to Britain.

Addicts who want to accept her offer of £200 must be sterilised or fitted with a contraceptive implant - anything that will assure her they will not be able to get pregnant.

Whats next, poor people, emigrants, Blacks, Chines, Concentration Camps, or why not just line up addicts against a wall and shoot them.

I can't believe how many are advocating this! It's the same principle used in Nazi Germany, in that - let's stop "undesirables" from reproducing. No one has the right to make the judgment on who can and who cannot reproduce.

Of course one could argue that these women have free will and can CHOOSE not to be sterilised. This is obviously the argument she adopts: "These women make decisions every day ." However, this is undermined by one of her very own "patients" - "I didn't think about birth control when I was an addict. When you're on drugs, drugs are your priority."

Their judgment is obviously muddied by their drug problem and to take advantage of that is, at best, verging on playing God...

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