I love the summer...

I love watermelons during the warm summer months, and as per usual, every week I go to the local supermarket and get a few of those beauties...

The only one little problem, picking those seems to be a bit of a hit and miss affair, where sometimes those, melons, are good, sweet, juicy and very tasty while other-times they are really, really mushy, slimy and generally very bad.

So in order to avoid melon disappointments and disasters, I decided to employ the same technique that my late mother used to utilise when picking watermelons, a tried and tested technique that had already yielded a 100% success rate, so I thought - Only little problem is the only thing that I remember from that technique is tapping the watermelon and dependent on the sound returned, one can decide whether the melon is ripe, good, bad or ugly...

So I go to the supermarket and stand there tapping melons, more akin to playing bongo drums, and listening to the sound, sadly this method has thus far resulted in  100% failure rate, but because of the way I look, I get approached by people who think that I possess the long-lost art of watermelon dousing, so they ask whether a melon they had picked is good or bad, and I usually oblige, by playing the bongos with those melons and giving them my answer with some authority... And as I mentioned earlier, this method has proved to be an unmitigated disaster...

Today, and as per usual, I went to the local supermarket and randomly picked a melon, no tapping or banging, just a random melon selection, and much to my surprise, this was the sweetest and juiciest melon I have bought this year....

So now I have a sure fire winning way of picking sweet and juicy melons, "the don't bother, don't give a shit and just pick a random melon method", now the only problem is how to avoid all those people that I had upset in the past with substandard melon advice...

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