The pain of it all...

There is something that is really troubling me.. It all started around 20 years ago, the day after a, very lively, game of football.  I had some sort of pain in my right leg muscles. I went to the doctor and told him the story, he examined me, and decided that there was nothing wrong (he probably thought that it was all in the head, or just a simple muscle strain), and told me to take a couple of Paracetamol tablets, some muscle rub and, sort of, live with it - until my body fixed itself...

For the next few days I was in absolute agony. So I went to the doctor again, this time he told me to carry on with the tablets and rub combo (tabrub), and to also do some, "new age", Leg Stretch Exercises, in order to strengthen my muscles...

Needless to say, this did not work either, in fact, it made the pain ever more severe... It was so painful, I could not work, walk, talk, eat, sleep, love, laugh or do anything else... It was just bad...  And you know when you are in pain, you listen to every idiot and try everything to alleviate that, and I did.. Somebody told me how good "Chinese Acupuncture" was, and how everybody that had it done, was walking and jumping within 5 minutes, no pain, just pure blissful unadulterated joy - During that period, the Devil's box in the corner was in the "Alternate Medicine" phase, so I really did believe that, and I really wanted it to work.. I was so very, very, very receptive to the idea - sadly, it did not work (full story here)...   

Two days down the line, with the pain in full swing,,  I decided to get a second opinion, so I went to the local Accident & Emergency department of the local Hospital... And waited in the queue (full story here).. They gave me 2 Crutches and prescribed some very, very, very strong painkillers..  These did work...

To cut a long story short and get back to the present day, I seem to get the same debilitating pain, at exactly the same place, every year, ever since that incident... And for the past week, I have been sitting, in agony, unable to move or do anything, I'm sure its some sort of a warped alien experiment that's gone wrong - they just keep coming back every year to see how much more pain one can tolerate, or maybe, its just old age catching up with me...

I really need to know what's happening and the reason for it - please help, the pain is just so......

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