first spacecraft to visit Mars has beamed home its greatest photo of
the Red Planet yet, a view that reveals the planet from pole to pole.

The Mangalyaan spacecraft used its Mars Colour Camera to capture the
amazing photo from a distance of 46,292 miles (74,500 kilometres) above
the Red Planet on Sunday (Sept. 28), according to an ISRO photo
description. It is the third and best view of Mars from Mangalyaan
since the spacecraft arrived in orbit around the planet last week. The
Mars Colour Camera is one of five different instruments riding aboard
Mangalyaan to study Mars from orbit.
Mangalyaan (the name is Sanskrit for "Mars Craft") is the centrepiece
of India's $74 million Mars Orbiter Mission, which launched toward the
Red Planet in November 2013 and arrived in orbit on Sept. 24
of this year. The spacecraft arrived at Mars just days after the
U.S.-built MAVEN orbiter arrived at the Red Planet on its own mission
for NASA.
Less than 2 weeks ago, UK PLC were fined & ordered to pay a US company £224 million.
Westminster MP expenses for 1 year is over £100 million...
The Indian Space Mission to Mars costs less than £45 million
Westminster MP expenses for 1 year is over £100 million...
The Indian Space Mission to Mars costs less than £45 million