GHD London Outlet Scam

This has nothing to do with anything else - its just something that happened to me a few months ago, and I thought I would share it with you - I hope this might help someone...

The story goes like this - My wife wanted a new pair of GHD Hair Straighteners, me, being a cheap skate, searched on the internet and managed to find a Google Advertised outlet that sells these at a very cheap price with the promise of everything under the sun plus a FAST and FREE delivery - The place was called: - there are other sites, all owned by the same cartel, and all look the same (please don't go there to spend money)...

Being of a suspicious nature, I created a pretend account with that outfit and followed that with a pretend order from start to finish, to see whether it was a genuine site or not, and whether it had a Secure Checkout... - the only thing that stuck in my head, was that the place was in the Ukraine (no doubt, owned by the Russian Mafia), but at the time, I didn't care much, I thought Its just some poor Russian entrepreneur, who happened to live in the Ukraine, trying to make an honest living... But as they say, hindsight is a wonderful thing...

When I was satisfied with everything, I placed the order and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited...Four weeks passed and still no delivery.. I tried to log into my account on the website - they said there was no such account. I sent emails, they were all ignored - Telephone calls to Outer Mongolia went unanswered as well....

If this sounds familiar, what can you do???

  1. Go to the offending website...
  2. Do a pretend order for some items...
  3. Give them new details - any Bullshit would do
  4. Fill in the forms and info as required, with more Bullshit
  5. Agree to their Terms of Sale and whatever
  6. Get to the Secure Checkout bit
  7. Copy the address for the site (from the browser bar) - in my case it was ( - I abbreviated that, yours might be a bit different.
  8. Get rid of the https and secure bit and navigate to the proper website ( - again, this is in my case only, yours might be a bit different.
  9. Find the Customer Support Page - mine was @
  10. Enter your name and Email Address - The ones you used when ordering the goods - this will let you log onto your account.
  11. Complain once, two days later, complain again, and 2 more days later complain again... - Keep it Brief and Stay Calm....
  12. A week or so later, you should get your stuff (from China - yes China, I don't know why!!)....
This method will only work if you've bought the stuff through a Secure Checkout process, regardless of what you have bought... If it helps, keep on reading And enjoy...

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