Why make something So, So, So BAD - I hate shaving..

At the best of times, I really, really hate shaving - Being a bit on the hairy side, its always fairly painful to shave. I hate the facial rash afterward, the itchiness, the cuts, the bleeding, the Aftershave Burn and a few other side effects and niggles. And because of that, I try to limit the shaving to once a week (when lucky) or when the itchiness is unbearable, if I leave it any longer, I usually end up looking like a homeless bum.

The other week, I was shopping when I saw these "4 Blade Bad Boy" disposable razor blades. They seem to be a lot cheaper than the "Branded" ones, and me being a cheap skate, decided to try these.

Today, I needed to have a shave (my face is really itchy) - so I decided to use the new blades. I wish I did not. Half way through, I looked like I was mauled and scratched by fifty angry tigers, and each time I put the blade on my face, I had another cut. On close inspection I noticed that one of the blades had actually snapped and that was the reason behind the pain (snaps below).

Handsome me. If you look closely, you can see the outline of the Magnificent 70's Porno Mustache that I proudly wear..
Cheap, Chinese Shit - with Snapped Blade

So the moral of the story is this. Why not make the thing out of better materials and charge a little bit more for it, instead of making it out of total shit, at least that way, you might be able to keep customers longer than 1 blade, or half a shave.

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