Some days it’s just not worth getting out of bed for… Part I

I never mentioned what I do for a living and I never gone into it in any great detail, but for this story, I have to expand on that a little bit. I develop and sell Point of Sale Applications to the Fast-Food and Hospitality Industry, In English, I write delivery software for Pizza and Kebab shops... And I hate all my customers..
Today was one of those days. I got a new customer that I needed to visit, but before that I needed to get some Touchscreen Monitors & a Thermal Printer for them...

I ordered the printers in advance, so I just needed the monitors. For these, I had a deal with a local Computer shop, one which is part of a small chain of local independent computer shops, all licensed to use the same name, but selling their own stuff as well as the stuff supplied by the chain. My contact, was the owner of the branch... I usually go there, pay my money and get these Cheap Chinese Touchscreens...

So I had my trip for the day all planned in advance. Wake up, type the menu for the shop while waiting for the printers to arrive, go to the Bank, get cash, go to the Computer Shop, buy the monitors, go to the client's shop, set up the POS/EPOS system, get the money and run... Today should have been no exception but sadly, things rarely go according to plan.

6:30am a Customer rings me from a Cafe (preparing for the breakfast rush), saying that their printer had stopped working and they don't know why.  This was their forth printer in as many months and they are unable to open the till (because its connected to the printer, and if the printer is not working then the till will not work)..

I usually tell my customers that they can ring me anytime between 10:00am and 10:00pm, 7 days a week, but they are so stupid, they insist on ringing me outside these hours... To counter that, I used to turn off my mobile phone or put it in silent mode outside business hours, however, the problem with me is, forgetfulness, so much so, that my wife calls me a Goldfish because I usually forget things within seconds, so I never used to turn my mobile back on for days, just thinking that all the vibrating in my pocket is me getting excited at watching TV or whatever.

Sadly, customers still managed to get through by ringing my land line telephone number instead, which happens to be my house number... So after giving up on ringing the mobile at 3:00am, they ring my home, and wake everybody up, to ask me something stupid that has absolutely nothing to do with me or my software. Why has their internet connection suddenly stopped, why is their pirated copy of Nero not copying their illegally downloaded movies, why did they get a virus, why do these Porno sites keep popping up when they have been so pious, or whatever... I really don't care and I really couldn't give a shit about all this, but I just had to smile, keep quite, grit my teeth and pretend to care...

The worst thing is, the Sad Bastards, thought I really did care, so they just started to ring me when they are bored or lonely, and just want to chat about life and shit... And the only thing I could think of, is, why don't you just F#%$ OFF, get a girlfriend, get a life and just leave me in bloody peace, you D$%@ Headed moron; or something to that effect.

I'm sure that sometime they even have these slumber parties, when they tag team me; so when one finishes, the other begins... It's like hell, but without the fire and brimstone...

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